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Jul 21, 2012
Seven tips to prevent medical technology from ruining the doctor-patient relationship
Does this sound like something that has happened to you? Â You are driving, you stop at a red light, and all of a sudden you find that...
Jul 19, 2012
3 Thoughts About The V-Go Insulin Delivery Device
I had a chance this week to spend some hands-on time learning about the new V-Go insulin delivery device from Valeritas.  Valeritas’...
Jul 12, 2012
Quantified Self and Diabetes… the Perfect Match
Take a few minutes and watch this video of Jana Beck from a Quantified Self meeting as she explains how she took data from her Dexcom CGM...
Jun 20, 2012
A recent reminder of the limits of diabetes technology
As excited as I am, and many people are, about making major strides in improving the capabilities of diabetes technology, we have to keep...
Jun 19, 2012
A fantastic rant about diabetes technology from Scott Hanselman
This fantastic rant about the frustrating state of diabetes technology from Scott Hanselman, a type 1 diabetic, has been making its way...
Jun 19, 2012
Diabetes technology is hitting the regular consumer media
Gizmodo, a well-known consumer electronics and technology blog, posted a story about progress towards the artificial pancreas. Â Is...
May 23, 2012
Telemonitoring intervention for diabetes has durable effect: Extension of DiaTel study
Published in an Online First this week by JAMIA was the extension of the original DiaTel study published in Diabetes Care in 2010.  The...
May 20, 2012
Data Design Diabetes Demo Day (whew!)
On Wednesday, I was in New York along with other members of GreenDot to make our presentation to the judges and audience as...
May 15, 2012
FitBit activity monitor: I’m a believer
While eyeing things like the Jawbone Up and FitBit for the last year or so, I’ve stayed out of the fray until recently.  As part of my...
May 12, 2012
GreenDot website now live…
As our team gears up for Demo Day on May 16, our GreenDot website is now live. There was also a very nice article written about us in...
May 2, 2012
iBGStar meter now on sale at Walgreens and Apple
I expect that this meter will be very popular, as it will allow people with diabetes to automatically record their glucose values on...
May 1, 2012
Sonny Vu (inventor of iBG Star glucose meter) and Misfit Wearables get funding…
From TechCrunch: “Misfit Wearables, a wearable computing startup from the founding team of mobile health company Agamatrix and...
May 1, 2012
DiabetesMine Patient Voices contest
DiabetesMine is sponsoring a contest asking for people with diabetes to tell everyone about their biggest needs in a 2-3 minute video....
Apr 26, 2012
Three new glucose meter reviews from Adam Brown and diaTribe
For those interested in seeing a review of three new glucose meters on the market, I recommend reading this blog post from Adam...
Apr 19, 2012
Information about 2012 Data Design Diabetes Innovation Challenge Demo Day
Our team is continuing to gear up for May 16th Demo Day, hard at work refining our product. Â Here is some information below for anybody...
Apr 16, 2012
Technology Innovation Challenges… More than the $$$
In this interview, Wil Yu, the special assistant of innovations and research and director of ONC’s SHARP (Strategic Health IT Advanced...
Apr 1, 2012
Is bariatric surgery really going to be the new standard for type 2 diabetes?
There has been a lot of publicity lately over the two articles released as online firsts this week in the New England Journal of...
Mar 29, 2012
Exciting news: Semi-Finalist in Sanofi Data Design Diabetes Innovation Challenge
See the press release here from Fast Company and also announcement on Sanofi’s competition’s blog.  Our team is comprised of Saleh Adi,...
Mar 27, 2012
Two clinical trials ongoing with diabetes mhealth
There are two ongoing clinical trials to be aware of. One is at the Univ of Maryland and is using the forementioned Telcare meter. Â This...
Mar 22, 2012
OneTouch Verio IQ meter
I won’t review this meter, since I haven’t tested one, and there is a very thorough review already here at DiabetesMine.  I do want to...
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